OnlyFans Alternative: Why SESIRE Is The Platform Of Choice For New & Up-And-Coming Creators

SESIRE – the adult content subscription platform that puts Creators at the heart of everything we do. We’re challenging the status quo and empowering adult Creators to join a supportive community and make money on our safe, ethical, reliable and profitable platform. But that’s what all creator platforms say – right?

Creators looking to enter the adult content creation space nowadays are faced with so much choice, and we get it, it’s probably really overwhelming. Creator platforms promise the world – promising to be the best alternative to OnlyFans. But let’s be honest, the adult Creator economy is the only sector of the industry that values subscribers over talent.

SESIRE brings an exciting new opportunity for spicy Creators to make real money on a platform that actually cares about Creators’ well-being. On SESIRE, Creators have complete control of their adult content business. As they should.

We’ve built the platform with Creator needs in mind. We actively take feedback from Creators at all levels – not just the top 1% to ensure we’re building the best adult creator platform for everyone.

Here are a few ways content creators – regardless of their audience size – can benefit from creating adult content on SESIRE:

Reach more fans with AI-powered discoverability features

Visibility is one of the key ingredients to earning money as a Creator. With a smaller fanbase a Creator will find it harder to make money from their Content. But becoming a top 1% Creator is difficult. On top of this, many platforms favor the top 1%, making it increasingly more difficult for up-and-coming Creators to get discovered.

SESIRE is changing the game for Creators outside of the top 1%. With SESIRE, Creators don’t need to reach the top 1% to earn money from their content. Our platform uses market-leading, AI-powered discoverability features to empower up-and-coming Creators to get discovered. 

Creators will no longer feel the pressure to build their fanbase on channels such as Twitter and Instagram before they can start earning money from their content. All SESIRE Creators will benefit from an ever-growing pool of fans, directly from within the platform. This means Creators, regardless of fanbase size, can spend more time doing what they love – creating content.

Governance model: Creators are shaping the future of the SESIRE platform

SESIRE’s Governance model is an initiative which creates a demographic environment of transparency and trust between the platform and our Creators. Basically – it’s how we take feedback, suggestions and ideas from Creators and then build them into SESIRE’s upcoming plans. Who better to suggest ideas for a platform than the people who use it?

Creators don’t have to be involved if they don’t want to be, but if they do, they’ve got a safe and secure place to have their say. The feedback we’re taking is helping us shape the future of SESIRE. We’re here for all Creators (not just the top 1%) – so we want Creators to tell us exactly what they want and need.

When ideas are submitted, all members of the SESIRE community have the ability to vote on which suggestion they like and we will then deliver them! The goal is to build a truly collaborative and vibrant space that aligns with our communities needs and that’s exactly what the Governance model helps us do.

SESIRE empowers Creators to earn – and keep – more money 

SESIRE brings an opportunity for Creators to take full control of their earnings. Unlike most platforms – which offers a generous amount for the first few months, but then reduces the percentage split thereafter (to benefit them) – SESIRE guarantees that Creators will take home 85% of all sales – forever! Yes, we know it sounds too good to be true – but it’s not!

With SESIRE, Creators are able to maximize their earnings and make more money than standard subscription platforms as we empower Creators to make money through the largest variety of content types in the industry, including:

  • Subscriptions
  • Tips
  • Lives
  • Pay-per-view messages
  • Custom requests
  • Premium posts
  • Pay-per-view content
  • Paid post
  • Referrals

With SESIRE, Creators can earn additional income from referrals. All SESIRE Creators are eligible to refer Creators and they will receive a market-leading share of 25%! 

Unlike most platforms, where referral payouts come to an end after 12 months, referrers will continue to earn referral commissions beyond the first year. All referral payouts are paid from SESIRE’s commission share, so Creators don’t need to worry about their referrers income being reduced. Creators earn passive income and the referred Creator earns the full amount – it’s a win-win!

Get started with SESIRE, the platform of choice for new and up-and-coming Creators!